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I help businesses 
overcome challenges at all points in their 
data journey.

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Data Strategy
& Solution Discovery

Have you ever worked tirelessly to achieve an initiative only to conclude with a big fat "pivot"?  So many companies struggle to prioritize the right problems to crack, and many well-intentioned leaders misdirect precious resources.

I've worked closely with a wide range of companies (tiny startups to Fortune 100) across several industries to understand their businesses, processes, problems and capabilities, and left them with concise action plans to make measurable progress. 


Let's save crucial time & money by solving the right problems together!

Data Strategy

MVPs & Prototyping

Introducing your Minimum Viable Product is the absolute best way to capture attention (and investment) from the market.  Creating a basic, functional product, prototype or proof-of-concept requires thoughtful prioritization of the right features, an understanding of the tradeoffs of different approaches, and the capability to develop these features - all with intention, agility, and limited resources.


I've been on several teams to help them launch their products from the ground up.  From creating a comprehensive tech roadmap, prioritizing & developing product features, to defining & coordinating valid experiments, and more. 


Let's get to work on scaling your big idea!

Data Engineering
& Analytics

Data Engineering focuses on the collection, transportation, transformation, and analysis of data.  Without a proper data pipeline, many AI or machine learning applications are dead on arrival.  We constantly hear about the "shiny new objects" in artificial intelligence, and can sometimes forget that without a solid data source, even the brightest data scientists are virtually powerless!


I can help you get your data pipeline up and running, so that you can evolve from hypothesizing & researching to generating & analyzing your own data.


Let's start making some data!

Engineering & Analytics

Applied AI & ML

We've heard about the value that can be unlocked from artificial intelligence, but how can it be applied in your business?  I can help you uncover the opportunities that can be captured with AI & ML and (importantly!) where it isn't the best solution for your problem.


Throughout my career, I've applied methods ranging from the most fundamental predictive tasks (e.g. demand forecasting, semi-automatic dataset labelling), to more advanced methods (e.g. probabilistic/causal ML, predicting human-to-human call outcomes), to the most cutting-edge approaches (e.g. real-time object identification, deep learning-based recommendation engines) for a wide array of businesses.


Let's unlock the value of your data!

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